B2B with Celebrities – A Red Carpet to Your New Business

Author: admin Entrepreneurship, Featured Products, Internet Marketing

red carpet to celebrity online profitsNo, you’re not going to be partying backstage with celebrities, unless you want to use some of your profits from the business we’re about to introduce to you and vacation in Hollywood.

Whether it’s a sports figure or an actress, celebrities have agents whose jobs entail not only getting them the right jobs or movie opportunities, but to also capture lucrative contracts for product and service endorsements.  Billions of dollars are paid to celebrities every year to hold a product in their hands and tell their fans how great it is.

Of course, they may not even use the product, and in fact they may not even like it.  It’s all about the money, and we’re going to show you how to profit from celebrity endorsements the new way.

Your new business will be a bit like that of those celebrity agents.  You’ll be connecting businesses with celebrities for endorsements via Twitter.  The average business owner probably hasn’t even thought about this marketing approach, and that’s a good thing for you.  Even if they have seen Sponsored Tweets on Twitter, they have probably not taken any initiative to look into how it works.  This is where you come into the picture.

So, what is it that you’ll be doing for your business owner clients?  What services will you provide that will bring them business, creating a happy customer who will pay well for what you do?

  • You’ll analyze your business clients’ business, their marketing needs, and work with them on campaigns and advertising approaches.
  • Your new knowledge of the Twitter Sponsored Tweet Program will allow you to bring together celebrities who are active in the program with the business for promotion.
  • You’ll bring skills in selecting the right celebrities for the right business and product or service.
  • You’ll place their marketing into the Sponsored Tweet Program and monitor results.

What if you haven’t a clue as to how to do all this?  That’s not a problem, as our Celebrity Profits Course will provide everything you need to know and help you to launch this new and exciting business.  If you enjoy working with business owners as a trusted expert, and you want to deliver new business to them and collect ongoing regular commissions for doing so, you’ll want to take this course.

Get the Celebrity Profits Course Now!

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