CPV – Online Advertising That Pops!

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CPV Marketing Gets Eyes on Your Ads for Profit

CPV Marketing Gets Eyes on Your Ads for Profit

Almost all advertising, whether traditional print media, TV, radio or Web marketing, has a goal of getting as many eyes on the ad material as possible.  Of course, then a conversion to a customer is required before we make any money, but first you have to get the eyes.

Now, too many ads, especially in pre-Internet traditional media, were very good at getting a whole lot of eyes on a page or screen where the ad was shown.  But, a newspaper page is pretty large, and there’s a lot of print on there, and a whole lot of ads as well in many cases.  Of course, you can buy more of the page area, but that’s big money.  So, a whole lot of those eyes will never really see the ad, and of those whose attention it does catch, fewer yet will be interested, and only a tiny fraction will buy.

On the Internet we can have the same problem, with busy web pages and multiple ads vying for attention.  We can with the Web get more targeted in where and when we show our ads so better prospects have a chance to see them, but we still have the problem of getting their attention on a cluttered Web page.  More of these eyes will be people who have an interest in our product if we’re doing our marketing right, but we still must not only get their attention, but get it when they’re in a buying mode.

Doing PPC, Pay Per Click, marketing helps us to bid on keywords and get our ads to show up in search results and on websites relevant to our products, but there’s still the “get their attention” problem, and PPC can be pretty expensive as well.  What if, and really think about this; what if a person is searching the Web for a certain product or is visiting a website or page because it is all about that product, and your advertisement for that product popped up on their screen right then?  Better yet, what if they were about to purchase that product, and your ad pops up offering them the same or a similar product at a better price or with a coupon for a better deal?

First, let’s think about these two questions as they relate to eyes on our ad.  Suddenly it’s not sitting off in a corner of a busy screen, begging for the attention of the site visitor or searcher who is flooded with input and making decisions in seconds.  It’s popping up right in the center of their screens and it’s popping up right when they’ve shown by their search or page they’re visiting that they are likely buyers of the product.  Suddenly we’re getting many more eyes on our ads because they’re popping out at the viewer, and we’re getting these eyes precisely when they are the most likely to become a paying customer!

OK, what’s the catch?  Most people don’t like popup ads, and even if they do, how do we get that ad to pop out at them in just the right circumstances?  And, if it’s that focused and effective, it must cost a fortune right?  CPV, or Cost Per View, marketing can make it happen at the right time, in the right place, and in front of the right eyes.  It’s also called PPV, or Pay Per View marketing, and you can do it for as little as one penny for a set of eyes on your ad!  And these are some of the most targeted prospect eyes you can get on the Web.

  • We can show you how to work with networks that deliver eyes that have opted into this type of advertising through a previous purchase or free download.
  • We’ll show you how to use these networks to select the right groups of people, the most interested eyes, based on common interests or previous activity or purchases on the Web.
  • You’ll get specific instruction in using two types of CPV marketing, both successful in different ways:
    • Keyword bidding – you select keywords and phrases and bid on them to have your ads pop up when these words and phrases are used in searches.
    • URL targeting – you select websites or right down to specific URLs so that when a site visitor comes to these pages they’ll be served with your ads.  A nice secret weapon here is how to grab them off on their way to a purchase at that site and make them your customer.

We offer all of this instruction and lots more as to which networks work best for which products, how to target the best prospects, how to create landing pages for your ads that work, and so much more.

Get the CPV/PPV Course Now!

Get the CPV/PPV Course Now!


  1. Janine

    What a great idea, i’m new to this sort of thing and paying expensive fees to pay per click, so will try it out, thanks Anthony!

  2. Ruth

    I could hear your presentation, but had no visual. Thank you for sending the printed message. I will send in my $29.95 in the next week.
    I hope this is not too technical, for if it is, I’m pretty lost.
    Sounds terrific!

  3. Kong Sourivong

    Hey Anthony every thing you teaching its very good.

    Thank you Anthony.

    Kong Sourivong

  4. Barbara moore

    Thank you for all your help Anthony and i will see you on the other side and god bless you and your family i learn something new from you all the tme

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