SEO Basics On the Fly

Author: admin Blogging, Internet Marketing

Don’t let the title of this post lead you astray, as there’s more to it than just SEO basics.  SEO, Search Engine Optimization, isn’t something that you take lightly, and there are definitely some more involved strategies and techniques you’ll want to employ to increase traffic to your websites and blogs.  However, there’s a generally mindset and a few very basic things you can do EVERY time you create Web content, and they’ll boost your SEO results significantly over time.  Let’s talk about these every-post and every-article techniques that can easily become second nature for you.  These are things you can do that haven’t really changed over time and all of Google’s updates, so you can just get into the habit and make them routine.

SEO Basics

Keyword/phrase Selection

Every time you begin to compose a piece of Web content, SEO basics means that you have a keyword or phrase or a couple of them that you want to target for this content item.  You should have a master list of every possible keyword or phrase that relates to your marketing niche, and you can refer to it when you know what you’re going to write about.  So, if you’re in the weight loss niche, and you’re sitting down to write a blog post featuring a new product you want to promote as an affiliate, you’ll check your list and maybe select a keyword or phrase like “newest weight loss pill,” or “weight loss supplement report,” or something else that you can focus on in the following steps.

Meta Information

This is the stuff behind the scenes on the Web that the search engines check out first and then the robots index the text of the article or post.  This is the Title, Description, and Keywords meta entries, and you’ll want to know how to finesse those in your system.  If you’re using WordPress, just get one of the great plugins for SEO, and they give you boxes where you can enter these information items.  Focus on your selected key phrase(s).

First & Last

Use your keywords/phrase in the very first sentence of the post or article, and try to use it again in the last sentence.  Use it where appropriate throughout the text, but try to always get it in “first & last.”

Heading & Special Font Text

This is text that is bold and in a larger font, the HTML is something like <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc.  You’ll usually be doing it without worrying about the HTML in your website or blog editor.  The thing to remember is that the search engines notice when the keywords/phrases you’re targeting are in header text.  It implies that they are important in the content.  So, try at least once to use your key phrase as a header. Also, putting the key phrase in bold or italic or both somewhere in the article/post is of help.

SEO Plugin

SEO Plugin

Those are the main things you need to make second nature in your content creation.  You’ll find that we’ve given you some examples in this post for SEO basics.


  1. David

    Thank you Anthony, good information and some stuff I knew but always good to be reminded and to re-evaluate my sites.

  2. Joyce Knake

    Very good information to know and see. You know, a picture is worth a thousand words? No kidding! I think I get so caught up in learning new things , that sometimes things get swept under the carpet and I forget about them. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Robert Wedekind

    This article “SEO Basics On The Fly” is very good. I will try and use as much of this information as possible. Key words and Key Phrases should be used as much as can be used used with out over doing them. Thank You for this article. I wish I could sit down with you and talk about Affilate Marketing one on one.

  4. Carol Collins

    Thank you Anthony, I appreciate this very much and it sure
    does make a lot of common sense. Very helpful.

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